This album contains Ethiopian stamps issued in the first years after restoring the peace. The 1942-43 “restoration issues” and their overprints are covered in more detail in my specialty albums (#20 and #21).

See ALBUM INDEX with scans + slider on bottom of this page.

In this period Haile Selassie takes over the governing of the country after the British administration that was set up after the allied forces won back the country from the Italians. The Brits administrated Eritrea until 1952 when it was decided that Ethiopia should take over administration. In practice Eritrea became a part of Ethiopia.
To complete this album I need a few more covers. Especially covers with the ‘Obelisk’ and the ‘Reprise Aerienne’ overprinted stamps are expensive and difficult to find.

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1942-1953 album INDEX with links to scans of front and back of the covers. Click on line to view - press [ESC] to close:
Varieties, errors, minor flaws, rareties, forgeries, etc. - press [ESC] to close: