The Republic of  Peru is a diverse country with habitats ranging from the arid plains of the Pacific coast in the west, to the peaks of the Andes Mountains extending from the north to the southeast of the country, to the tropical Amazon basin rainforest in the east. Peru has a population of over 32 million, with about 11 million in its capital city Lima, and is the 19th largest country in the world, and the third largest in South America.
Peruvian territory was home to several cultures during the ancient and medieval periods, and has one of the longest histories of civilization of any country, tracing its heritage back to the 10th millennium BCE.
Notable pre-colonial cultures and civilizations include the Caral–Supe civilization (the earliest civilization in the Americas and considered one of the cradles of civilization), the Nazca culture, the Wari and Tiwanaku empires, the Kingdom of Cusco, and the Inca Empire, the largest known state in the pre-Columbian Americas. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and Charles V established a viceroyalty with the official name of the Kingdom of Peru that encompassed most of its South American territories, with its capital in Lima
Peru formally proclaimed independence from Spain in 1821. The state of Peru is a representative democratic republic divided into 25 regions. Its main economic activities include mining, manufacturing, agriculture and fishing, along with other growing sectors such as telecommunications and biotechnology. The main spoken language is Spanish.

Peru Tour, April 2024

Below you will find my videos from a fantastic 2-weeks tour in Peru, arranged by Escape travel, presented day-by-day.
We started early from Oslo, Norway, with transit stop in Amsterdam. Then a 12-hours flight to Lima located on the coast of Peru. Next day flying over the Andes mountains to Puerto Maldonado (elevation 183 meters only) in the Madre de Dios region in the in the Manu National Park in  the  Peruvian Amazon region. After a few days exploring the rainforest in the we flew up to Cusco at 3,400 meters elevation and continued to the Sacred Valley. There we visited several Inca sites, Moray (3,500), Maras salt ponds (3,300), Pisaq (3,000), Ollantaytambo (2,800) and of course a train tour down to Aguas Calientes (2,000) to visit Machu Picchu next morning, located at only 2,400 meters. Then a day tour from Cusco to the Rainbow Mountains (Vinicunca) with a fantastic view from a hilltop at 5,036 meters to the multi-colored mineral layers. The next day we drove over the mountain pass (4,335) to the city of Puno at Lake Titicaca at 3,800 meters where we visited inhabited floating islands, and cruised across the bay for lunch at a local restaurant. We flew back to Lima from the nearby town of Juliaca, staying overnight before we returned to Europe.

Day 1 – Oslo via Amsterdam to Lima

A short video showing the flight from Oslo, changing planes in Amsterdam, and some scenes from the approach to Lima on the arid pacific coastline.

Day 2 – from Lima to the Amazon rainforest

Early departure from Lima, flying across the Andes Mountains to Puerto Maldonado in the Madre de Dios region (elevation 183 meters) of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. After leaving our large suitcases for safe keeping in the town we continued by river boat downstream the Madre de Dios River in the Manu National Park to the Eco Amazonia Lodge. After lunch we had a short walk in the rainforest to look for caimans (crocodiles) in a small lake. Our local guide told us about the local biodiversity.

Day 3 – Amazon rainforest tour

Morning tour in the rainforest. After a short boat ride down the Madre de Dios River we went ashore and walked through the rainforest to a small canal in a swamp area. We boarded a small boat/canoe and paddled for more than an hour through dense forest watching large Toucan and Macaw birds flying above. Then a short walk through the forest, with Howler monkeys and squirrel monkeys in the trees, to a small lake. From a high observation tower we could watch the forest from half-way up the tall trees, with a nice view of the lake.
After lunch we crossed the river to the Monkey Island where we walked through dense forest to a monkey feeding area were we fed different monkey species: Capuchin monkeys and Spider monkey.

Day 4 – From Amazon rainforest to Cusco

Late departure from Eco Amazonia Lodge to the luggage storage facility in Puerto Maldonado. After re-arranging our luggage we had a short walk in the town before heading to the airport.
We crossed the Andes up to Cusco (with landing scenes). After a lunch in Cusco (elevation 3,400 meters) we crossed over to Hotel Sonesta Posada del Inca in Yucay (2860 meters) in the Sacred Valley.

Day 5 – Inca archaeological sites in the Sacred Valley.

The circular agricultural terraces at Moray (3,500 meters elevation).
Samples have shown that soils were brought in from different regions to be used in helping grow crops at the different levels of the terraces. The wide temperature differences in the terraces have created microclimates, similar to what is achieved in greenhouses in modern times.
The salt ponds at Maras (3,300 meters elevation).
Since pre-Inca times, salt has been obtained in Maras by evaporating salty water from a local subterranean stream which flows through a thick underground layer of salt. The highly salty water is directed into an intricate system of tiny channels constructed so that the water runs gradually down onto the several hundred ancient terraced ponds.

Day 6 – Inca archaeological sites Pisaq and Ollantaytambo.

Morning sightseeing tour to the Inca ruins at Pisaq, located at a mountain top at 3,514 meters elevation, with farming terraces down towards the valley. After climbing to the top and exploring the ruins we visited the town in the valley for a walk through the tourist street, and tasting local empanada in an old bakery.
We returned to our hotel in Yucay for lunch before driving to Ollantaytambo (2,790 meters) for transfer by train to Aguas Calientes (the Machu Picchu town). Before going to the station we visited the Ollantaytambo Inca site with farming terraces in a steep hillside with a sun temple and other buildings on the hilltop.

Day 7 – Machu Picchu, Aguas Calientes + train 

After visiting the Inca ruins at Ollantaytambo we boarded the train that took us down along a turbulent river between high mountains to Aguas Calientes (the Machu Picchu town at 2,040 meters elevation) where we stayed overnight in a hotel.
Early next morning we were bussed up the famous Machu Picchu Inca site located on a mountain ridge at 2,430 meters with the river running on three sides down in the valley far below. The view from the top level was spectacular with high mountains all around. We were lucky to have beautiful weather. 
After a 3 hour tour we returned by bus down to Aguas Calientes where we had lunch before taking the train back to Ollantaytambo. From there we drove straight to Cusco.

Day 8 – Inca masonry and sightseeing in Cusco

In Cusco (3,400 meters elevation) we visited the Convent of Santo Domingo, built by the Spanish on the remains of the Inca golden temple, the most important temple in the Inca Empire. Thereafter we walked through the Loreto alley, between high stone walls built by the Incas with impressive precision, to the main square. There we visited the Cusco Cathedral (were photos/video we forbidden inside).
Next was the Saqsaywaman (sound like “sexy woman”) – a ceremonial fortress built with perfectly fitted giant stone boulders on a plateau above Cusco (3,700m). Further up the road we visited the Quenco, one of the largest Inca holy places in the Cusco Region.
Before our lunch in Cusco we visited the Sulca textile museum where we were allowed to feed lamas, guanacos and alpacas.

Day 9 – Day tour to the Rainbow Mountains

We started from our hotel in Cusco before 5 AM to drive 3-4 hours to the Rainbow Mountains to see the multi-colored Vinicunca Mountain. About half way we stopped in a village to have breakfast. 
Arriving at the “base camp” we had the choice of walking up to the viewpoint for 1-1/2 hours, or ride up on a horse. I had a cold and was sick with fever and headache, so I chose the third option and was driven high up on a motorcycle. Unfortunately low clouds drifted over mountain, but after 10-15 minutes the fog cleared enough to take photos. People in our group who had walked up was lucky and had god view of the colored mountains.

Day 10 – Inca sites on our way to Puno (Lake Titicaca)

The road from Cusco to Puno is 390 km, and with several stops it took us the whole day. First stop was at Andahuaylillas to visit the Saint Peter the Apostle of Andahuaylillas church. Next stop was in the village of Raqchi to see the Viracocha temple area. After lunch at restaurant Feliphon in Sicuani we had a stop at the La Raya mountain pass at 4,335 meters elevation. Further down the valley at about the same elevation we stopped to see the pre-Inca archeological site at Pucara. Before continuing through the town of Juliaca to Puno we had a coffee break in Pucara town where they sold their expensive Coati “poop” coffee. We arrived in Puno in late afternoon.

Day 11 – Lake Titicaca cruise with floating islands

Lake Titicaca is a large freshwater lake at an elevation of 3,812 meters on the border of Bolivia and Peru. The lake is 190 km long and 80 km wide. First we visited the “Floating village” of Uros which is a cluster of small, man-made islands constructed of a type of reed called Totora that grows abundantly in the shallows of Lake Titicaca. We visited one of these inhabited reed island and our guide explained how they are made and how they liveNext, our boat crossed the bay to the Capachica peninsula where we had lunch in the beautiful and peaceful village of Llachon (2 hours by boat from Puno). Walking from the jetty along a white beach and up a small hill with flowers, tall trees and farms we had the impression that we were at sea level – not at 3,800 meters – not until we started walking up the hill!

Day 12 – Sillustani ruins and transfer to Lima

After a late breakfast we left Puno for the airport near the city of Juliaca. The bus stopped above Puno for panoramic photos. After an hour’s drive we stopped at the Inca cemetery Sillustani on the shores of Lake Umayo at 3,844 meters elevation (higher than Titicaca). We had a guided tour of the tower-like tombs called chullpas on the hill overlooking the lake. They are the remnants of the Qulla people, whom the Aymara conquered from the Inca Empire in the 15th century. The area has more than 90 chullpas, and some of them are over 12 meters high. After the tour we continued to the airport, and departed for Lima at 2 pm.

Day 13/14 – Sightseeing in Lima before returning to Norway

Before returning to Norway we had a short city tour where we stopped at the great Lima cathedral where Francisco Pizzaro was buried. It was he who conquered the Incas and founded Lima. Next stop was a visit to an old Spanish mansion, Casa Aliaga from 1536, in colonial style, with large lavishly decorated airy rooms, and a fine atrium in the middle with a small garden. After visiting the Larco museum with an impressive collection of pre-Columbian art, we had lunch at a restaurant in the museum’s beautiful lush garden. We departed Peru at 5 pm, and landed in Norway a full day later, local time.